Thursday, October 25, 2007

What Music Is To Me. . .

My Playlist

What music is to me.

If I could only begin to explain what music is to me, . . .. you and I both don’t have the time. There is not a writer in the world that could truly encompass what music means to me. If I was to sample my thoughts, and try to explain what each note means to me, you would cry with me as each bar flows though my ears and gets computed in my mind. I have forever tried to convey the power of music to my peers and have always felt short sided. I truly don’t believe that I could possibly have someone feel the way that I feel about music. This is my opening, my true soul expulsion. I speak words of the artists I support as though they were gods.

I live music, in every sense of statement. My mind is constantly producing and never left unsettled. If only I could escape what has come to control me.

I wouldn’t trade anything for what I have found; music has become my heartbeat. I truly search day in and day out for someone that FEELS what I feel. My ideal day is comprised of time in my studio. I try, time and time again, to explain to my girlfriend what music is to me. Unfortunately I have realized that there are no words for this. To me. . . to sit and listen, is to reap and sow. As melodies move through my mind, they come not as notes, but rather as objects that flow as a brush on a canvas. I see music. When you breathe music, speak music, and honestly walk the beat. . You have reached an honest state of enlightenment.

“Music is moves, don’t matter how it’s produced, don’t matter what tools you use, or the instruments that you choose . . .” Classified

There is an infinite amount of talent in this world; there is no measurement to calculate it. Hopefully the record labels will not stifle today’s talent. Independent record labels will hopefully prevail, releasing the music to the population. Cheers . . .

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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Got Perks?

"Instant Getification"

So it seems. has implemented their new at your fingertips style search that has been long awaited. When I saw the commercial the other day I figured I should take a swing at it. And to my surprise it wasn't that bad. I searched Dave Matthews Band and up popped images, video and a brief bio of the group under the encyclopedia section. Those three sectioned off to the right. Center of course contained the search results with my favorite balloon preview of the website, not available on all though. Also an instant bookmark button next to the site link. On the right is a section for search narrowing options and even related links, in this case other groups including Coldplay. And not to be forgotten the skin option on the main page allowing you to select a background image.

Now I don't think that I've ever used, Google is pretty much the norm. It's reliable and the first thing to come from my fingertips when its time to search. But this is a step in the right direction.

It sucks when you don't win!

I was recently conversing about todays commercials with the Iggli crew, and I realized that my mind completely tunes out all commercials unless I perceive it as negative. Now I can't imagine that companies want their consumers to only remember the crap that they put out. Ebay has a new marketing lineup with the phrase "it's better when you win it". . . Now that got me to thinking about my experience with Ebay. You never get what you want, some 17 year old kid with a palm or a professional always gets that last bet. It's not better to win it. . Cause you never win, you just loose countless clicks that turn into 2nd best bets. Ebay is great for the seller, to sell something at 10 fold what you bought it for. .. Awesome! Or Visa and their commercials where cash users somehow disrupt the rotation of the earth when they bring out their wallet.

If you want me to pay attention to your product, make it interesting. Mastercard has captivated my attention with their "priceless" campaign for years. It's something new every time and it is witty and well produced. I actually enjoy them! I'm also a Hotmail user since the dawn of time. .. eh whatever it works I don't have to try and switch anything over. However I'm becoming annoyed with their new magnifying glass effect on their adds. When your cursor scrolls over it, it balloons to 2/3rds of the screen. I have done this maybe 200 times already. It is orange and about a car. . . Thats all I know. Nothing else. . . Is that really marketing? There have been a cornucopia of funny, sexy and witty commercials through out time and they actually keep me on the edge of my seat, and talking about them to my friends. You'd think with all the money that goes into marketing they could leave a positive imprint on their prospected consumers

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Music Melting Pot

Recently I have had the idea of a melting pot in which all those who would like to be involved submit bands into a pool. Take the bands and specific songs that truly move you, the ones that you could listen to on repeat for 3 1/2 days, the ones that make you tear up. Then write them down and post them all to the page, and immediately pick one from someone else that is out of your element. . . the genre that you rarely listen to. Take it in, learn something. . like it, love it, hate it. Just try it. Analyze it with out your friend telling you that you have to listen to this dope track, or hearing a song on the radio and being too lazy to change the channel.

When devoting just 5 minutes to listen to something you are able to take it all in without feeling obligated to do so. Imagine the spider web effect that could stem from this. . . all the music that you would be introduced to in the time it takes to check your email. I grew up to classic rock, for those of you from Boulder KBCO 97.3FM, People like Tom Petty and John Hiatt... Sheryl Crow (whom I had the chance to kiss when I was 8. . shit happens, I learned my lesson.) I slowly moved into bands like Nirvana and Nine Inch Nails. I started producing and mixing Techno soon there after. Then got in Rap and Hip Hop, I still keep my pop side though... You have to credit the person that actually wrote the song that 4 billion people love. I was talking to a colleague of mine and mentioned the artist Colbie Caillat and her song Bubbly. . she thought I was talking about some type of liquor. Now granted I do drink a lot and had she been familiar with the artist. . She is WAY out of my genre. (and I would prefer that my friends not know either) Natasha Bedingfield is another, you probably don't know her as the singer/songwriter of the MTV show Laguna Beach's theme song. Well I'm feelin' her too.

Today I listen to and produce mainly hip hop, but have never lost my roots of all genres of music, you would think that my play list was the culmination of 65 ADHD kids with 3 choices each. So I implore you to expand your mind and listen to something new, Shit teach me something. . . send me your list! Sing me the song you made up in the shower. And allow people to hear what you hear without the pressure of pleasing you. So Get to thinking. . Code writers, GIVE ME A PLATFORM! Cheers Kids

Friday, September 28, 2007


In the 3OH!3
Boulder based parody gangster rap group 3OH!3 is something for the record books. When listening to some songs it’s hard to believe that this hip hop/something group draws an 80% punk and skater crowd. Their shows are caulked full of energy and reminiscent of a metal show with the fans screaming and jumping all while holding up the 3OH!3 gang sign. Comprised mainly of Sean Forman and Nathaniel Motte, 3OH!3’s lyrics are as hilarious as their choreographed dance moves strait off the N*Sync stage. Most of their lyrics mock the standard “gangster rap” topics of bling and gang signs while still producing very well made music. Their beats are strong and powerful compelling you to get crazy no matter where you are. Check them out for those who haven’t yet.

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3OH!3 - Fox Theatre

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Redman and Akir

The phrase “if these walls could talk” losses its meaning when walking into the lobby of the Fox Theatre. The walls don’t talk, they shout. They are riddled with pictures of shows from Snoop Dogg to String Cheese Incident and Tom Petty to Primus. This venue has lived an amazing life so far. Hundreds of world-renowned artists have played there. Thursday was no different, maximum occupancy was hit at about 10:30 when Akir took the stage. Accompanying him was Hasan Salaam, Payshir, and DJ G.I. Joe. The energy there never ceases to amaze me. With two tiers on both sides of the elongated room it forms a pit of 600+ people, siphoning the energy to the center. If words could only explain when Redman took the stage. Every show I go to I’m constantly reminded why I live for this. The crowd jumps up and down in waves caused by un-synced minds. I only watch from the balcony or back stage, I’m mostly over the shoulder-to-shoulder mayhem. I prefer the birds eye view over anything. The show went till about 1 am and I spent the rest of the night partying with the artists until about 4 am. I’m pleased that hip hop is not dead. .. now if rap could only face that plague. Redman did however give a speech that touched on music downloading. I stopped listening. . If he was asking me to stop, I wouldn’t. And if he was encouraging me to continue. . the speech was impertinent to me. GET OUT AND GO TO SOME SHOWS.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Soulja Boy huh?

How can someone explain 11,441,392 Myspace hits from a 16-year-old kid in his basement?? Complete ignorance. I vomited in my studio this morning. This ever-growing gangster rap phenomenon never ceases to baffle me. I really wish that I could take my hit back. He owes me my time to research him and his count should return to 11,441,391. Half of this craze is attributed to word of mouth. Unfortunately you can not determine the amount of plays, because if I was to sit with my browser open all day and play the songs continuously, then the play count will rise with it. And as for the 11 million hits, I seriously hope that about 11 million other people were duped into looking him up just as I was. He has absolutely no talent and from his Myspace music previews NO LYRICS!. . Just repeated hooks and bridges. Ahhh, I’m done.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Live Revival

I was recently reading a blog by a colleague of mine about his total despise for Justin Timberlake. In it he talked of his total captivation by an HBO special featuring a live show. I agree in the sense of how he began, Mickey Mouse club all the way to the total pop domination, but what he has become is what all artists should strive to be. He is a performer, in every aspect of the word. As an artist he broke the ties of media company control and allowed his actual talent to shine through.

I steal music and never feel an ounce of guilt even though I produce and manage artists, CD prices are through the roof. I will however run an old lady down to ensure that I get tickets to a concert. The music industry needs to take what they can get and then get out of the artists pockets instead or raping our world’s brilliant minds. You would be surprised how easy it is to start on your own. In an article I was reading in the New York Times, Columbia Records executive Steve Barnett had offered the idea of taking 50% of artist’s tour and merchandise money to try and save the drowning record label. Now if you don’t know, this is the only money that artists truly ever get. Every nickel otherwise is taxed down to its core. Imagine if all the millions of dollars spent on promotion of a CD and it’s sales were instead used to fund live shows; to ensure that one night left a permanent image in your mind.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Kanye Spends 50 Cent

Kanye and 50 cent. .. christ almighty..
I'm going completely off of rumors so bare with me. . As I know kanye and 50's battle of sales will determine if I never have to hear 50 Cent again. This is awesome because yesterday I was told that Kanye is up 100,000 already. Turn 50's mic off! Now don't get me wrong, I listen to some of his music but the world be be a better place without one more thug rapper. Now I also hate Kanye and his stuck up attitude, but can deal because his music is moving in a forward path. Now as against paying for music as I am. . I recommend that every one go buy Kanye's album. Sh!t buy one for your grandma and help my "silence 50 cause"!