Sunday, September 16, 2007

Live Revival

I was recently reading a blog by a colleague of mine about his total despise for Justin Timberlake. In it he talked of his total captivation by an HBO special featuring a live show. I agree in the sense of how he began, Mickey Mouse club all the way to the total pop domination, but what he has become is what all artists should strive to be. He is a performer, in every aspect of the word. As an artist he broke the ties of media company control and allowed his actual talent to shine through.

I steal music and never feel an ounce of guilt even though I produce and manage artists, CD prices are through the roof. I will however run an old lady down to ensure that I get tickets to a concert. The music industry needs to take what they can get and then get out of the artists pockets instead or raping our world’s brilliant minds. You would be surprised how easy it is to start on your own. In an article I was reading in the New York Times, Columbia Records executive Steve Barnett had offered the idea of taking 50% of artist’s tour and merchandise money to try and save the drowning record label. Now if you don’t know, this is the only money that artists truly ever get. Every nickel otherwise is taxed down to its core. Imagine if all the millions of dollars spent on promotion of a CD and it’s sales were instead used to fund live shows; to ensure that one night left a permanent image in your mind.

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